
The EVELOPERS application puts a new performance record!

Last week, our customer – large international innovation biotechnology full-cycle company reached a peak using the sophisticated eVelopers  ECM application based on Alfresco. The users of the system made about 1 thousand unique sessions per day and created almost 2.5 thousand documents! Despite the unprecedented load, our application showed a high degree of reliability and high stability.

  admin   May 03, 2018   Blog   Comments Off on The EVELOPERS application puts a new performance record! Read More

EVELOPERS completed a large-scale project to upgrade customer’s CRM system.

On April 23rd, after several months of hard and meticulous work, our NYC-based non-profit customer successfully went live with their upgraded instance. Enhanced with NPSP (Non-Profit Success Pack) and an entirely new data model, it widens their horizons for fundraising and brings a new life to the way they interact with their donors and partners.

eVelopers had to migrate millions of accounts, contacts and leads to the new data structure, build dozens of new integrations and automations – all to help our customer make a smooth move from the “old” tool to a brand new and powerful platform.

  admin   Apr 26, 2018   Blog   Comments Off on EVELOPERS completed a large-scale project to upgrade customer’s CRM system. Read More